Therapeutic massage is a type of massage therapy that can be beneficial for geriatric patients. Geriatric massage is specifically geared towards older people, who have special considerations to keep in mind when getting a massage. A massage therapist will consider all the factors of aging along with a person’s specific health conditions when tailoring the massage. Geriatric massage can help improve your mood, stress levels, pain, and more. Many older adults lack positive physical contact with others on a regular basis. A massage therapist can fulfill this need for you or a loved one with the touch a massage provides.
There are many reasons geriatric massage may be beneficial for you or a loved one. Geriatric massage can help reduce stress, improve mental outlook, manage pain, increase blood circulation, and promote better sleep 1. A 2020 study on the effects of hand massage and therapeutic touch on 255 older people living in nursing homes found that their levels of anxiety decreased and their levels of comfort increased 2. Another study found that geriatric massage can enhance the health and well-being of adults in residential care 1.
If you are considering geriatric massage for yourself or a loved one, it’s important to find a certified geriatric massage therapist near you. A massage therapist will consider several factors for people of advanced age to ensure their experience is safe and beneficial. They will first consider your overall health when providing a geriatric massage. This may involve observing your movements along with asking questions about your health status and activity level 1.
In conclusion, geriatric massage is an effective form of massage that has a wide range of health and wellness benefits. It is designed to establish the root cause of any health problems you may be experiencing and not just tackle the symptoms. Our team includes licensed massage therapists who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. We look forward to helping you on your journey towards optimal health!